Last November 7th, Sopra Steria had another opportunity to contribute to the Microsoft Experience days, this time taking place in Paris, and participate to 2 plenary Sessions and 4 Talks about our experience with Office 365 and Azure stack among others and most importantly our unique offer regarding Blockchain !
Microsoft Experience Days is a 2 days conference in which participant could immerse themselves in digital innovations. More than 300 leaders and experts shared their experiences with digital transformation. Sopra Steria was privileged to participate and contribute as one of the European leaders in digital transformation.
During the Talk titled “Comment ma Blockchain dans Azure, sécurise et stimule ma supply chain globale” Sopra Steria had the opportunity to showcase once again how our Belgian proof of concept project Smart DLT for Pharma, Blockchain 2.0 was a great example of implementation of a blockchain based track and trace solution, combining on the Ethereum blockchain the use of smart contracts to implement business logic rules and leveraging cryptocurrency payments. So far it addresses at a conceptual level several pharma industry distribution concerns, but as you can imagine, it is rather easy to transpose to any global company sending goods across their supply chain.

Paul GYSEN – Blockchain Demystifier – Microsoft Experience days 2018, Paris 7 Novembre
"Comment ma Blockchain dans Azure, sécurise et stimule ma supply chain globale"
It all started with last year’s Sopra Steria internal innovation project which had to quickly set-up a blockchain platform, which required specific transactional and mining server nodes. The Microsoft Azure platform was a great environment to start with, not only because of the ease to quickly deploy the required servers but also because the Azure infrastructure was offering an Ethereum Consortium blockchain service template, available for immediate deployment.
Technically speaking, the project has evolved since it has won a Microsoft Innovation Award and is now indeed offering the capability to:
- pay trusted users via smart contract with the Ether cryptocurrency – typically if a pharmacist sells a medicine whose distribution was secured by our solution, he or she can claim a rebate when selling it further to a patient, who can control that it is indeed a genuine product, all being done via smartphones
- process batch input in the distribution channels of the supply chain – obviously, a pharma producer doesn’t want to use a smartphone to initiate the worldwide distribution process of its medicines; they would rather want to use an ERP connector to handle this, which is now possible via a SAP proxy which we have developed to this purpose
- More features and capabilities are under development.
On the delivery model side, we also have interesting updates to share with you:
- our applicable vision and strategy with regard to the design and deployment of DLT based solutions, being traditional blockchain or hyperledger, brings a more compelling elevator speech for our clients to reuse and create client adoption
- we use an efficient business and use cases approach to facilitate the identification of practical and relevant uses cases and feasibility projects of real interest to these clients
- we keep further attracting key players in the pharmaceutical industry, looking forward to an industrialised platform, but we also expand to other vertical markets
Still needing to demystify the blockchain, smart contracts and related concepts ? Further wondering which use cases would apply to your business ? Undecided about when to jump on this unavoidable bandwagon ?
Get in touch with Sopra Steria for a clear presentation, see for yourself and play with our Smart DLT app, and initiate a brainstorming and co-design process!